Yves Moreau is a professor of bioinformatics at the University of Leuven, Belgium. His team focuses on artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms for the integration of complex data in clinical genomics, real-world clinical data analysis, and drug discovery. He is also a concerned scientist engaged in a reflection on how information technology and artificial intelligence are transforming our world and on how to make sure this transformation is beneficial for all. In particular, he actively pushes back against the emergence of surveillance societies that has been made possible by technological advances. He has been actively investigating abuses of DNA profiling technology in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Kuwait. Beyond pointing at the responsibility of governments, he also demands that tech companies be liable for the reckless supply of technology that is key to human rights abuses. Moreover, he is actively pursuing the reevaluation of unethical biometric research, in particular on forensic population genetics and facial recognition, and has obtained the retraction of 35 unethical journal articles so far. His work has been covered in major scientific journals, such as Nature and Science, and news outlets, such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and the BBC. He received the 2023 Einstein Foundation Individual Award for Promoting Quality in Research. www.yvesmoreau.net